How to Best Video Call – Screen Recorder


Video calls have become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. Whether you’re catching up with family, attending a virtual meeting, or hosting a webinar, video calls are the next best thing to being there in person. But what if you need to capture these moments for later? This is where screen recording comes in handy. It allows you to save your video calls, review important points, or share the experience with others. Ready to dive in? Let’s get started on mastering video calls and screen recording like a pro.

Setting Up for a Successful Video Call

Choosing the Right Platform

The first step to a great video call is picking the right platform. There are plenty of options out there—Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, and Skype, just to name a few. Each has its own set of features, so consider what you need: breakout rooms, screen sharing, recording capabilities, etc. Choose one that fits your requirements and is user-friendly for everyone involved.

Preparing Your Equipment

Next up is your gear. A stable internet connection is a must. No one wants to deal with buffering or dropped calls. Ensure your computer, camera, and microphone are in good working order. If you’re using a laptop, plug it in to avoid running out of battery mid-call. And don’t forget about headphones! They can help reduce echo and improve sound quality.

Optimizing Your Environment

Finding the Perfect Spot

Where you set up matters. Find a quiet, well-lit spot with minimal background noise. Avoid sitting with your back to a window, as this can create a silhouette effect. Instead, face the window or use a desk lamp to illuminate your face. A clutter-free background is also a good idea, especially for professional calls.

Lighting and Background Tips

Good lighting can make a huge difference. Natural light is best, but if that’s not an option, use a ring light or softbox. Some platforms even offer virtual backgrounds if you need to hide a messy room or want to add a professional touch.

Enhancing Audio and Video Quality

Using a High-Quality Camera

Investing in a good camera can take your video call from meh to wow. Many built-in laptop cameras aren’t the best, so consider an external webcam for sharper images and better low-light performance.

Microphone Tips for Clear Audio

Clear audio is just as important as good video. An external microphone or headset can vastly improve sound quality compared to your computer’s built-in mic. Position the microphone close to your mouth but out of the camera frame to avoid distractions.

Using Screen Recording Software

Top Screen Recording Tools

When it comes to screen recording, you’ve got options. OBS Studio, Camtasia, and Bandicam are popular choices. Each has its own strengths—OBS Studio is great for live streaming, Camtasia offers powerful editing features, and Bandicam is known for its simplicity.

How to Choose the Best Software

Choosing the right software depends on your needs. Do you need advanced editing capabilities? Go with Camtasia. Looking for something free and open-source? OBS Studio is your best bet. Want something straightforward? Bandicam might be the one for you. Test out a few and see which one you’re comfortable with.

Step-by-Step Guide to Recording Your Video Call

Installing the Screen Recorder

First things first, download and install your chosen screen recording software. Follow the installation instructions and make sure it’s set up correctly on your computer.

Setting Up for Recording

Open the software and configure your recording settings. Choose the screen area you want to record, adjust the resolution, and set your audio input to your microphone. Do a test recording to ensure everything looks and sounds good.

Best Practices During the Call

Managing the Call Interface

During the call, keep your interface clean. Close unnecessary tabs and applications to avoid distractions. If you’re sharing your screen, make sure only the relevant content is visible.

Interacting Smoothly with Participants

Engage with your participants by making eye contact (look at the camera, not the screen), speaking clearly, and using gestures when appropriate. Be an active listener and respond promptly to questions or comments.

Editing Your Recorded Video Call

Basic Editing Techniques

Once your call is recorded, it’s time to edit. Trim any unnecessary parts, adjust the audio levels, and ensure the video flows smoothly. Most screen recording software comes with basic editing tools.

Adding Annotations and Highlights

Enhance your video by adding annotations, highlights, or captions. This can help emphasize key points and make your video more engaging. Tools like Camtasia offer robust editing features for this purpose.

Saving and Exporting Your Video

Choosing the Right Format

When saving your video, choose a format that balances quality and file size. MP4 is a popular choice due to its high quality and compatibility with most devices and platforms.

Ensuring Compatibility

Ensure your video is compatible with the platform you plan to share it on. Test it on different devices to make sure it plays smoothly and looks good.

Sharing Your Recorded Video Call

Uploading to Platforms

Upload your video to platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive. Each platform has its own upload process, so follow the instructions carefully. Set the privacy settings according to your needs—public, unlisted, or private.

Privacy and Permissions

Respect privacy and permissions. Inform participants that the call is being recorded and get their consent. Be mindful of sharing sensitive information and use password protection if necessary.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

Using Virtual Backgrounds

Spice up your video calls with virtual backgrounds. Most platforms offer this feature, allowing you to change your background to anything from a beach scene to a professional office.

Implementing Advanced Features

Explore advanced features like screen sharing, breakout rooms, and live polls to make your calls more interactive and engaging. These tools can enhance collaboration and keep participants engaged.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Technical Glitches

Technical issues can derail a video call. Test your equipment beforehand, have a backup plan, and don’t panic if something goes wrong. Stay calm and troubleshoot the issue.

Etiquette Errors

Video call etiquette is important. Don’t interrupt, mute yourself when not speaking, and dress appropriately. Remember, first impressions matter, even in virtual meetings.

Tools and Resources for Better Video Calls

Recommended Hardware

Consider investing in quality hardware like a high-definition webcam, an external microphone, and good lighting. These can significantly improve your video call experience.

Useful Software

Explore software tools that can enhance your calls. From screen recording to virtual backgrounds, the right software can make a big difference. Tools like Zoom, OBS Studio, and Camtasia are great starting points.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Audio and Video Problems

If you’re experiencing audio or video issues, check your connections, settings, and equipment. Sometimes, simply restarting your computer or software can resolve the problem.

Connectivity Issues

A poor internet connection can ruin a video call. Make sure you’re close to your router, use a wired connection if possible, and consider upgrading your internet plan if necessary.


Mastering video calls and screen recording can open up new opportunities for communication and collaboration. By choosing the right tools, optimizing your setup, and following best practices, you can ensure every call is a success. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.


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